CureSMAIndia announces #SMArterTogether initiative. Within this initiative we plan to hold activities on engagement n involvement of #SMAWarriors and Caregivers throughout 2021. The first activity under this initiative we are starting with is “mental n emotional health wellbeing”.

It’s true that all of us are busier than normal people owing to the extra time we spend on our/our child’s health. During this daily struggle, we often forget to breathe and take time to focus on our mental health.
However, it’s high time we talk about it and lend each other a helping hand to grow stronger, not just physically but mentally too. Keeping this in mind, Cure SMA has designed this quick survey to understand your mental health needs.

We request you to kindly fill the form in the attached link and help us to plan some events accordingly.
Thanks in Advance.

CureSMAIndia family welcomes you to the first session of Bedhadak Bol on the theme – BEING ACCEPTED WITH SMA in our new initiative #SMArter_Together, an online discussion series.

So join us for our very first virtual meetup of Bedhadak Bol which deals with mental health issues and many more to follow.